One-hundred Views: A Graphic Memoir told in Woodblock Prints. $8500cad.

This is a book of 85 woodblocks I did between 2007-2009.  That was the life, drawing, carving, printing, every day weeks on end. If you ever get a chance, take it. I never printed the edition of the planned 10 books. I ended up with one. I have printed maybe 100 artist's proofs and have lots left of if you see something ($300). All the blocks have been destroyed. I have maybe 20 of them. But you can just download to the local print shop and get pretty much the same thing. See Tumblr cowanart to get a download. One complete original book, bound two volumes in plexi boxes, 37x55cm, $8500cdn. I'd sell copyright too, if you want to own all those pictures.